"You don't understand", said he lowering his gaze to the wooden floor.
"Of course, I undestand my dear. I was made to understand", she replied instinctively.
"No, you weren't. You don't understand! You are clueless!!", this time he almost shouted.
He looked straight into her eyes. His own stare going deep into their colors. He was indeed able to see right through her. So at last, he smiled.
"This is akward. How do you do that? I feel weird", said she in two breathstops.
"See, you don't understand", he was now calm.
"But yes I do understand. I believe I understand completly. I know I do. Everything is so obvious, isn't it?"
The hesitation in her voice was now clearer. That made him smile again, this time even more gently. She was questionning herself exactly as he thought she would. She wasn't sure anymore.
"No, I'm sure I understand. But, why is that so important to you? Why should I understand in the first place?", she anxiously wondered.
"I can't answer that. If you'd understand you'd know.", was his rather firm answer.
"Why are you doing this to me?", she exclaimed. "I'm now even confused on what I am supposed to understand. What have I done to you?"
She already looked devastated. She was definitely trying to understand, she knew that, but he was not of a great help. He was making it harder for her. He was keeping her in distance and that she couldn't understand.
"Look, I would love it if you even had the slighest idea of what I mean. But, the truth is I can't explain to you. You were supposed to understand, but you don' t. I guess this means that you are not ready yet. Knowledge is hard to handle and you are not ready", was his response.
"I am ready", she screamed "I feel ready! I feel ready since a long time. Why can't you see that?"
"You are not ready, my love!", said he calmly.
"I am, I'm telling you! I am", she was heating up.
"You still don't understand.", he sighed.
"Understand what? Tell me.", her breathing was too fast by now.
Her voice was high. Her shoulders were shaking. She was ready. She was ready to explode.
"Relax. It is not that big a deal", he said.
"It is! I know it is! You make it a big deal for me. It seems so important to understand something that I don't know what it is. And you are just so mysterious. I hate that! I hate you! Why are you doing this to me?", she cried out.
"Look at me", he said grabbing her shoulders. "I'm not doing anything to you. It's fine! Don't think about it. It's better that way. You'll see. Tomorrow, you won't even remember what happened".
"What happened? I don't understand. What do you mean?", her head was a jungle.
"This is exactly what I'm trying to tell you, love and you don't understand. But, it's ok!", his voice was soft.
"So, help me! Explain to me! What's going on? Please!", one could feel the honesty of this cry out.
He now let her go. He turned around. Looked at the sky. At least millions of tiny light pulps were hanging up there. You could create incredible formations just by focusing and connecting the dots. He felt small. He thought she must feel smaller even though she didn't seem to have any thoughts of this type at the moment.
"You know what", he was drifting somewhere else, "You don't understand but it doesn't really matter. Look at the sky! It's so beautiful".
He was for sure a little kid with a glowing face, she thought. And she couldn't bear him anymore. She felt that he must be the one that didn't understand anything at all. She left him standing there, staring at the sky. Open arms, open eyes, open mind.
He smiled at his last star formation. It was an amazingly beautiful tree. He hadn't seen anything like it before.
"You don't understand", he said talking to himself, "But it's ok".